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Memo: ReSolve Mathematics Study Opportunity

January 22, 2024
Vermont supervisory unions (SU/SDs) are invited to participate in the ReSolve Math Study. The study aims to further a base of research focused on a well-known debate in mathematics: whether students’ mathematics proficiency—in both the short and long-term—is better served by instruction that systematically supports building mastery in unfinished learning, or by instruction that is highly targeted to unfinished learning in just the prerequisite concepts thought to be essential to succeed in grade level content. Focused on fourth and fifth grade mathematics learners, the study will use two digital math products to deliver supplementary instruction. Both Curriculum Associates i-Ready instructional platform, as well as Renaissance Learning’s Star Math Assessment/ Freckle, will be used. The study is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and will be led by MDRC with support from Digital Promise, Public Strategies, RAND, and Westat.
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