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Handout: What Happens When a School Budget Doesn't Pass?

May 30, 2024

The Agency of Education has prepared a one page handout and companion slide deck providing clarifying information for districts without a passed budget. These resources provide both statute and plain language context for districts without a passed budget as of July 1, 2024.  There are a few components to consider and plan for when a district does not have a passed budget by the beginning of a new fiscal year. 

The intent of these resources is to help districts navigate budget information sessions, and respond to misperceptions about what happens if a district starts a new fiscal year without a budget.

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Update log:
May 30, 2024: updated to correct a typo and an error in section base education payments per 16 V.S.A. § 4028 (page 1).
May 28, 2024: first published

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